📅 Save the Date: December 9th, 8:00pm Eastern Time 📅


🌟 Unlock the Wisdom to Reclaim Civilization For Christ 🌟


On the Feast of Archbishop Fulton Sheen on December 9th,

we invite you to a remarkable online event!

Honor the Feast Day:

Acclaim Archbishop Fulton Sheen with a unified voice, worthy of the title the Holy See has deemed fitting – Blessed.


Be Inspired:

Explore the profound connection between Sheen and Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Discover the mission to evangelize the West and rest of the world.

Sheen's teachings provide a guiding light in this new era.


Inauguration of the Laity League:

Be a part of a community seeking formation in Sheen's leadership. Discover how you can become Sheen's emissary to the world.


Round Table Discussion:

Terry Barber: Unveiling the Sheen method of evangelizing a broken humanity.

Jason Jones: What Sheen would say to a war-torn world and what it actually looks like to build a new civilization based on an authentic culture and economy of Life.

Bob Fredrickson: Sheen's wisdom for marriage and family and the restoration of strong Catholic masculinity.

Dr. Peter Howard: The central role the Eucharistic Holy Hour must play in the daily discipline of today's saints in re-making a Catholic Civilization.

Fr. Thomas Loya: Sheen's Insights for Re-Orienting and Unifying a fractured Church. Also, critical foundations from the Church of the East that are needed in building the next civilization.

Immaculee Ilibagiza: Exploring the role of the Blessed Virgin Mary in building a resilient and flourishing Catholic culture.

We're not just celebrating Sheen:

we're implementING his vision for raising up saints in this new era.

📅 Save the Date: December 9th, 8:00pm Eastern Time 📅

as seen on



Are you grappling with the overwhelming currents of misinformation and bad thinking? Join us as we delve into the Sheen method of navigating a world marred by confusion and wounded in its human identity and purpose.

🌌 RElevant

In a world lacking a nurturing faith culture, hearts may wither. Discover how Sheen's wisdom and the finesse of God's timing can breathe life into your faith. Your mind will be blown when you discover all the connections God is weaving together for us today.


Ever felt the desire to live the Gospel more authentically? Come unpack the Sheen method of evangelizing a broken humanity, offering practical insights to infuse charity into your daily life, heal your marriages, inspire your parenting, and inspire your outreach to those around. you.

Fulton Sheen isn’t done with us yet! His life and message show us that LIFE IS WORTH LIVING. His beatification is a powerful moment of grace, and a call from God to relook at his work. And there’s no better man than Peter Howard to help your people tap into this moment!

He’s the expert on Sheen, and more, how to apply his message to life today.

- Chris Stefanick, Real Life Catholic

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